简介:Home-bound from a five-month mission, the team is called back into action when the vice president is assassinated and the president-elect goes to ground after his motorcade is attacked. Back at home the women are abruptly uprooted when it's feared their lives are in danger as well, and the resulting chaos reveals a deep secret.
简介: As Murder, She Wrote saunters through its sixth (of an eventual 12) season, star Angela Lansbury maintains her eternally buoyant and inquisitive air as Jessica Fletcher, professional writer and amateur sleuth. Though Jessica continued to investigate murders in her home town of Cabot Cove and elsewhere (in the worlds of high finance, opera, and voodoo, among other settings), thi...
简介: 《女作家与谋杀案》是一部非常著名且持续时间很久的美国经典侦探剧集。这部剧集共12季264集,从1984年开始在美国CBS电视台一直播放至1996年,之后又于1997年至2003年间陆续推出四部电视电影。Angela Lansbury扮演主角推理小说家兼业余侦探Jessica Flectcher,她在50岁左右失去了丈夫, 却成为了一名非常成功的推理小说作家,并且没有让成功冲昏头脑,拒绝了声望和金钱的诱惑,住在缅因州一个叫Cabot Cove的安逸的沿海小镇,和自己的老朋友们保持来往。在大部分剧集里,Jessica总能卷入一些离奇谋杀案的调查。警察们总是把表面上看来嫌疑很大的人抓走,而Jessica却觉得凶手另有其人。通过向每个嫌疑人询问一些其他人都想不到的问题,她总能找到真正的凶手,并在每集最后五分钟与之对峙,通过自己的推理指出对方的罪行。一部分凶手...
导演:Nick Havinga
简介: Angela Lansbury returns as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, and more people are turning up dead wherever she ventures! From killer fashion to ancient curses to death at the rodeo, Jessica Fletcher is the only one clever enough to read between the lines and see the clues nobody knew were there.
简介: Season 5 finds Murder, She Wrote's intrepid Jessica Fletcher in fine sleuthing form, and venturing farther afield from Cabot Cove--a good thing, since at the rate the murders have been happening, that town would be nearly cleaned out. Some of the best episodes take place in more exotic locales like New York (dead man on the street, wearing just one shoe), Montana (a publishing ...
导演:Seth KearsleyJeff Siergey····Mauricio Pardo·
简介: 兔八哥(Bugs Bunny)和达菲鸭(Daffy)又回来了!他们的模样没有改变,但是生活环境却有了翻天覆地的变化--对喜欢搞破坏和搞恶作剧的他们来说,现代社会的广阔天地大有作为!兔八哥还像以前一样厚颜无耻,爱挖苦人,做事总想抢先一步。而达菲鸭还是那么自我陶醉,愤世嫉俗,痴心妄想。达菲鸭是兔八哥永远的朋友,或者说……永远赖在他家不走的「客人」。 在首集里,达菲鸭认为他和兔八哥一起参加电视游戏节目《Besties》一定能轻松弄到一笔钱。游戏很简单--两个好朋友互相提问,然后由对方作答。可一向只顾自己的达菲鸭很快发现他对兔八哥的情况一无所知!达菲鸭想对好友作出补偿,但情况变得更糟了…… 《群星总动员》(Looney Tunes)是一部历史悠久的动画片,最早于1930-1969年播出,后来又于1987-2006年成功复活。此次卡通频道新版《群星总动员》应该...
导演:Matthew Nastuk
简介:Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly bees a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a secret. With the help of DJ Kwanzaa, Homer and Marge arrive at the ceremony just as Halle Berry presents the award. Bart's fellow nominee, Nick Park, helps him realize that creating a film is a team effort, and Bart gives credit where credit is due.
简介:《辛普森一家》(英语:The Simpsons)是马特·格勒宁为美国福克斯广播公司创作的一部动画情景喜剧。该剧通过对霍默、玛琦、巴特、莉萨和玛吉一家五口生活的描绘,戏仿了美国中产阶级的生活方式。空间设定于虚构小镇春田镇的《辛普森一家》,用搞笑的方式自我嘲讽了美国的文化、社会、电视以及人类境况的诸多方面。
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