导演:Colette Camden
简介: Alan Yentob travels to the ghetto in Venice with award-winning novelist Howard Jacobson as he embarks on a retelling of Shakespeare's most performed play, The Merchant of Venice. Through a series of lively - often fiery - interviews, they examine the charge of anti-Semitism against Shakespeare, whose character Shylock remains one of the most odious and divisive fictional Jews in history. How did the moneylender from Venice become such a useful propaganda tool in Nazi Germany? And how much of a liberty will Jacobson be taking when he uproots the action to modern-day Alderley Edge, and audaciously reinterprets the infamous 'pound of flesh'? Interviewees include Antony Sher, Anthony Julius and Stephen Greenblatt.
主演:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 杰米·帕克 艾丹·麦克阿德尔 克里斯托弗·古德 Rowena Cooper 丹尼尔·韦曼 费迪南德·金斯利 David Baron Stephanie Jacob 凯瑟琳·坎特 理查德·特林德 Jim Creighton 艾伦·延托布
导演:Andrew Hutton
简介:文森特·威廉·梵高,这位用明亮鲜活的色彩吸引了全世界目光的天才画家,却在美丽的法国瓦兹河畔结束了自己37岁的年轻生命。他传奇不朽的一生已多次被搬上电影银幕。此次,由导演Andrew Hutton执导的本部戏剧式纪录电影,将重现梵高绚烂而短暂的一生。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch饰演这位天赋异禀且卓尔不群的疯狂大师,而其弟提奥则由杰米·帕克 Jamie Parker饰演。剧中的一言一语皆来自于梵高写给提奥及亲人的信件。 本片以其独特的叙事方式和入木三分的描摹再现,赢得了2011年在班夫世界媒体节上的最佳艺术纪录片洛基大奖。
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