主演:Shriya Athnikar Rajendra Bhambhulkar Chi
简介:灵车司机阿纳特 (Anant) 做了一个奇怪的梦,发现自己已故的母亲和祖母参与了一项神秘的实验。Bardovi:死亡与重生之间的旅程是一部令人发人深省的电影,巧妙地将普通的人与非凡的人融合在一起。这个故事围绕着一个中年的灵车司机Anant旋转,他的平凡生活在他的已故母亲和神秘的Daduba的秘密时,神秘地转变。Chittaranjan Giri表现出了出色的表现,以微妙和深度体现了角色的混乱和决心。他的刻画捕捉了一个人在现实与梦之间陷入的男人的本质,努力理解他的零散的过去。 Virat Madke作为Daduba增加了神秘和温暖的层面,使观众不断质疑他的真正动机。尽管她的屏幕时间有限,但Chhaya Kadam在倒叙中的角色仍会对她的情感表情和强大的存在产生持久的影响。卡兰·查凡(Karan Chavan)的方向既精确又内省,允许这个故事以故意的速度展开。这部电影的节奏反映了Anant对周围秘密的逐渐理解,梦想序列无缝地融入了现实。这创造了一个引人入胜且有趣的叙述,使观众着迷。摄影以昏暗的照明和特写镜头增强了电影的心情,营造出幽闭恐惧症的气氛,反映了Anant的内部动荡。* Bardovi*不仅仅是一部电影;这是一个难题,挑战观众仔细思考和观察。这是进入生命,死亡和重生之谜的旅程,对于那些欣赏内省和神秘的故事讲述的人来说,它是一个令人信服的手表。
主演:杰德普.阿赫拉瓦迪 Niharika Lyra Dutt 内拉吉·卡比 肖斯迪卡·穆克吉 伊什瓦克·辛格 古丽·帕那格 Jagjeet Sandhu 阿努拉格·阿罗拉 Abhishek Banerjee Bodhisattva Sharma Mairembam Ronaldo Singh Anuradha Athlekar Rishi Kulsheshtra 维品·沙尔马 阿西夫·巴斯拉 阿卡什·库拉纳 拉杰什·沙玛
导演:Sudip Sharma
简介:A down and out cop lands the case of a lifetime when four suspects are nabbed in the assassination attempt of a prime time journalist. The case turns out to be a devious maze where nothing is what it looks like. The pursuit of it leads him to the dark netherworld - the 'Paatal Lok', and to shocking discoveries in the past of the four suspects.
主演:阿布舍克·巴强 阿米特·萨特 Nithya Menon Ivana Kaur Saiyami Kher Resham Shrivardhan Hrishikesh Joshi Shrikant Verma 普拉比塔·波塔库 Sunil Gupta Shradha Kaul Nizhalgal Ravi Kuljeet Singh Shruti Bapna Madhavi Juvekar
导演:Mayank Sharma
简介: 一个6岁的孩子被一个神秘的蒙面男子绑架,他要求一笔不寻常的赎金。为了救他的女儿,阿维纳什·萨布哈瓦尔博士必须杀人。与此同时,卡比尔·萨旺特的旅程继续在德里犯罪分支的敌对环境中进行。谎言,欺骗和心理游戏开始时,卡比尔负责调查,并会见阿维纳什。阿维纳什要走多远才能救他的女儿?
主演:帕丽莱蒂·曹帕拉 阿尤斯曼·库拉纳 Abish Mathew Aparajita Adhya
导演:Akshay Roy
简介:Fed up with the lack of critical appreciation despite being a successful writer, Abhimanyu Roy (Ayushmann Khurrana) returns to his roots in Kolkata to write more meaningful literature and decides on an old-fashioned love story - which was now, 3 years in the making. This writers block is called Bindu (Parineeti Chopra). How do you contain this unpredictable, crazy, restless, larger than life, live wire in the pages of a book? As Abhi says You know when a song comes on and you just have to dance? Bindu was that song. That silly infectious joyful tune you couldnt get out of your head - even if you wanted to. So where should he begin? Where should he end? But when Abhi stumbles across an old audio cassette of their favorite playlist, it sends Abhi down memory lane - and as he waltzes in and out of his past and present through the songs in the mixed tape, he finally faces reality and reconnects with his roots, with his family and his novel starts writing itself. Of course, life in ...
简介: [satyamev jayate」意为“真理战胜一切",这句话写在印度国徽上,是印度的座右铭。宝莱坞电影巨星阿米尔汗历时两年,打造出这一关注社会、贴近民众、深层次揭露社会问题的节目。他采访不同阶层印度人的真实故事,大胆曝光印度社会种种弊病,力图以残酷真相打动和唤醒大众,进 而努力改变现状、治愈丑陋伤疤。 Episode 1: Fighting Rape 对抗强暴 The first episode of Satyamev Jayate Season 2, telecast on March 2, 2014, dealt with the issue of rape and underlined several systemic factors that act as roadblocks on the path to justice for survivors. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode centred around three focal points: The setting up of One-Stop Crisis Centres in every district of India as per the guidelines recommended by the Justice Usha Mehra Commission. The creation of Vulnerable Witness Deposition Courtrooms across the country. A gender-sensitive, scientific and humane protocol for the medical examination of survivors of rape, to be uniformly implemented across the country. Episode 2: Police 警察 On March 9, 2014, the second episode was telecast and it dealt with the need for reforms in the police. In 21st century India, the system of policing is still by and large within the framework of the 1861 Police Act introduced during the colonial British Raj. The police continues to be a ruler’s police rather than a people’s police. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to support the demand that the 2006 judgment of the Supreme Court in the case filed by former DGP, UP, Shri Prakash Singh be implemented and a people-friendly police force be created. Episode 3: Don’t Waste Your Garbage 不要看浪费你的垃圾 The third episode of Satyamev Jayate, telecast on March 16, 2014, dealt with one of the most shameful problems persisting in our cities and towns, viz: garbage and the scandalous state of solid waste management. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that incinerator technology for burning waste be opposed and that state governments and union territories work towards implementing the Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000. Episode 4: Kings Every Day 我自君王,每日 Telecast on March 23, 2014, the fourth episode dealt with the need for strengthening grassroots democracy and in particular, highlighted important measures to help fight corruption and increase public participation in governance. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode urged citizens to lend their support to the demand for social audits of the government’s expenditure on social welfare, and the passing of the Public Services Grievances Bill which will help ensure that essential services are delivered in a time-bound manner to citizens. Episode 5: Criminalization of Politics 政策犯罪 Satyamev Jayate’s fifth episode, telecast on March 30 2014, dealt with the rampant criminalization of politics in our country. The Vote for Change campaign for this episode called upon people to support the demand that the proposal of the Election Commission to debar candidates with serious criminal charges (with appropriate safeguards) is brought into effect and such candidates are not allowed to contest elections. Just came out of my meeting with Honorable Prime Minister of India Shree Narendra Modiji. Was very kind of him to spare his valuable time. — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 Shared with him the overwhelming support that we got from people across the country through Vote for Change Campaign... — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 ..on SMJ on the various issues that we tackled in our show. He has assured me that he will look into all the matters pic.twitter.com/AI7e8cX9Bn — Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) June 23, 2014 http://www.satyamevjayate.in/petitions-reach-topm.aspx
主演:伊尔凡·可汗 桑杰·达特 乔伊·安沙 康格娜·拉瑙特 古尔沙恩·格鲁维尔 Silvio Simac Kurush Deboo 苏沙恩特·辛格 鲁克萨尔 Apoorva Lakhia Viola Valdez ....Townsperson 阿斯夫·巴斯拉 ....
简介: 2009年,印度孟买闹市街头。衣着光鲜的成功人士巴赫在一间电话亭内进行一桩秘密交易。他是一名小有成就的银行家,从上到下一身名牌,妻子美艳,女儿乖巧,虽然有着令人欣羡的家境事业,但其为人傲慢,花心放荡,为了财富和荣誉不惜染黑双手。正当他准备离开电话亭时,一通陌生电话打了进来。对方知晓他一切罪恶勾当,并且正躲在附近某栋大厦内监控着他,稍有轻举妄动便会遭到狙击。 不久之后,一名瘾君子死于电话亭前。神态惶恐的巴赫开始吸引路人注意,警察、媒体、政客乃至全国人民都聚焦在这个小小电话亭之上,巴赫被迫向全国人揭开自己的伪装,以及这个国家政坛背后的不为人知的惊天丑闻……
导演:Mann Bagga Gurfareen Bano Maanuv Bharadwaj Tarun Bhargawa Aashish Chauhan Khwaish Gupta Simran Kaur Priyanka Panchal Nirmal Pant Jaideep Rawat
简介: The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to prove that they are different but not disabled. The Leader who never considered the deaf children as capable and equal and discouraged them all through the course gets badly injured in an accident. This might be an end to Children dreams of scaling Himalayan peaks and prov...
主演:沙鲁克·汗 苏丝米塔·森 桑尼尔·谢迪 扎耶德.汗 阿姆瑞塔·拉奥 卡伯·贝迪 纳萨鲁丁·沙 博曼·伊拉尼
简介:讲述一名印度军官假扮学生到学校卧底,目的是保护一名高级军官的女儿。 以华丽梦幻歌舞称奇的印度宝莱坞电影,此次以仿效《不可能的任务》之好莱坞大格局动作及爆破场面,由宝莱坞汤姆克鲁斯沙鲁克罕主演,再创印度电影奇峰。一场电视政见发表会成为充满政治阴谋的刺杀案件,在男主角奉派潜入校园,保护未曾谋面的弟弟与将军的女儿时,急转为洋溢青春趣味的斗智校园喜剧,点缀以性命相交的亲情、友情与爱情,再来个视觉效果与震撼力不亚于好莱坞的大决战场面,娱乐效果百分百。
主演:史努比狗狗 Darryl McDaniels B-里尔 森·道格
简介: 野草、毒品、叶子、大麻,随便你怎么称呼它,美国与大麻的关系总是很复杂。在嘻哈先锋法布·5·弗雷迪(《Yo! MTV Raps》)的导演处女作中,他从一个空前的视角展现了在大麻战争中带有种族偏见的历史。史努比狗狗、Cypress Hill 的 B-里尔和达米安·马利加入名人和专家的行列,讨论了大麻对音乐和流行文化的影响,以及大麻引起的犯罪对黑人和拉丁美洲社区造成的毁灭性影响。随着越来越多的州加入大麻合法化的行列,《印度妙草》深入研究了在日益增长的大麻市场中越来越明显的种族差异。 本片采访了史努比狗狗、Cypress Hill 的 B-里尔和森·道格、DMC、道格·E·弗雷什、查克·D、达米安·马利和基勒·迈克等人。
主演:Leo Crasto 迪维亚·达塔 阿莫尔·古普特
简介: 斯坦利是个活泼开朗,招人喜欢的小男孩。多才多艺,古灵精怪的他在学校有着不错的人缘。但斯坦利有个最大的特点,那就是他从来不带便当来学校。午休的时候他总是以各种借口避开同学们的午餐时间,去街上闲逛打发时间,饥肠辘辘的喝凉水来饱腹。他编织着各种理由来应对伙伴们对此的疑问,而乐于助人的同学们决定和斯坦利分享自己的午餐便当来帮助他渡过难关。然而学校的大魔头卡多老师也是个从不带盒饭的家伙,因为斯坦利的缘故他无法分享学生们带来的美味午饭,勃然大怒的他,破口大骂羞辱斯坦利一番后,更是勒令斯坦利不带便当就不可以来学校。令人吃惊的是,斯坦利果然很多天都没有再出现在学校,随着时间一天天的过去,大家都越来越担心他,对卡多老师的不满之情也越发高涨。其实,斯坦利不带便当是有着他不愿意与人诉说的苦衷…
主演:拉吉尼坎塔 阿克谢·库玛尔 艾米·杰克逊 阿迪勒·侯赛因 苏丹舒·潘迪 卡拉巴万·沙约翰 阿南特·纳拉扬·马哈德凡 梅伊尔萨米 伊莎里·加内什 凯扎德·科特瓦尔 巴拉斯·雷迪 玛雅·S·克里希南
简介:印度某市,所有人的手机突然被来自天空的神秘力量席卷吸走,手机销售大亨、电信运营老板、国家电信部高官等与手机相关的许多人相继离奇死去;城市上空,巨型变异鸟怪(阿克谢?库玛尔 饰)突然出现,大开杀戒,向所有手机用户宣战,民众陷入恐慌…… 危机时刻,科学家瓦西博士(拉吉尼坎塔 饰)在美女助理妮娜(艾米?杰克逊 饰)的帮助下,一路追踪事件真相,但后果已无法挽回,能够拯救人类的唯一方法只有——重启机器人“七弟”,他将如何变身新一代超级英雄,与这股亦正亦邪的势力开启昏天黑地、脑洞大开的鏖战?......
别名:Any Body Can Dance 2
主演:瓦伦·达瓦 普佳.芭特拉 施拉达·卡普尔 Dharmesh·Yelande Shawn·Wilson 普拉部·地伐 劳伦·戈特利布 普尼特·帕塔克 Raghav·Juyal Christine·Vienna
主演:Shashank Arora Plabita Borthakur Sonal Jha 拉特纳·帕塔克 康柯纳·森·沙尔玛 Sushant Singh Vaibbhav Tatwawdi
简介: 本片围绕四位女性的故事所展开。在印度的乡村,一个从头到脚裹着罩袍的女大学生有着与众不同的信念,一直梦想着成为一名流行歌手;一个年轻貌美的美容师想要逃离小镇的“禁锢”,渴望自由;一个有着三个孩子的家庭主妇不愿只是做一个生孩子的机器,她渴望过上别样的生活;还有一个55岁的寡妇幻想能与英俊帅气的男人有一段罗曼史。在这个守旧的社会中,四位女性渴望打破现实的枷锁,为独立自由而奋斗。
别名:Made in Heaven
主演:沙沙恩·阿罗拉 普尔吉·萨姆拉特 拉迪卡·艾普特 维贾伊·拉齐 卡琪·柯切林 阿努拉格·卡施亚普 吉姆·萨伯 桑杰·卡普尔 内尔·布法拉姆 斯沃蒂·达斯 帕尔文·达巴斯 帕拉维·巴特拉 莉蕾特·杜贝 阿见·马瑟 伊马杜丁·沙 伊什瓦克·辛格 萨米尔·索尼 维金兰特·马西 莫娜·辛格 希巴妮·丹德卡尔 萨希杜·拉哈曼 雅夏维尼·达亚玛 Mrunal·Thakur·Mrunal·Thakur 索比塔·杜里帕拉 泽恩·玛丽·可汗 Dilip·Shankar·Dilip·Shankar
导演:卓娅·阿赫塔尔 里马·卡蒂 尼拉杰·加万 阿兰克里塔·什里瓦斯塔瓦
主演:马达范 凯·凯·门农 迪韦严杜·沙玛 巴比尔·汗
导演:Shiv Rawail
简介: 该剧以 1984 年被称为世界上最严重的工业灾难的博帕尔毒气泄漏悲剧为背景,灵感来源于事件中的真实故事,被誉为 "一部关于勇气的惊心动魄的故事和对人性的礼赞"。 该剧将展示这场灾难中的无名英雄--印度铁路员工--所做的努力,他们超越了自己的职责范围,努力挽救被困在无助城市中的数百名无辜市民的生命。演员包括 R Madhavan、Kay Kay Menon、Divyenndu 和 Babil Khan。 至少有 3787 人在这起化学事故中丧生,数十万人暴露在致命气体中。有说法称,死亡人数实际上要高得多。
主演:阿琼·卡普尔 卡琳娜·卡普尔 贾雅·巴杜里 拉吉特·卡普尔 斯瓦普·桑帕特 阿米达普·巴强
简介:在一架飞机上,基雅(卡琳娜·卡普尔 Kareena Kapoor 饰)邂逅了名为卡比尔(阿琼·卡普尔 Arjun Kapoor 饰)的男子。让基雅感到意外的是,这个看上去铁骨铮铮的硬汉,竟然眼泪汪汪的害怕的簌簌发抖。原来,卡比尔害怕坐飞机,每次坐飞机的时候都是母亲安抚着他的情绪,然而故人已逝,卡比尔不禁触景生情。 为了安慰卡比尔,基雅紧紧的握住了他的手,一段浪漫的恋情就此拉开序幕。没过多久,基雅和卡比尔就决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂,可是,他们在家庭里所扮演的角色却仿佛调了个个儿,基雅每日出门工作赚钱养家,而卡比尔则坐镇家中主持家务。他们的朋友和家人们会怎样看待这段逆转的关系呢?
主演:迪尔吉特·多桑 克里蒂·萨农 瓦伦·沙玛 洛尼特·罗伊 穆罕默德·齐尚·艾布 巴拉特·巴蒂 桑托什·阿南德
导演:Rohit Jugraj
简介:This spoof comedy narrates the story of a cop Arjun Patiala (Diljit Dosanjh) and his sidekick Onidda Singh (Varun Sharma). Together, will they be able to accomplish their mission of a crime-free qigou.cc town with their goofy style of policing
主演:Dhritiman Chatterjee Jayshree Roy Debraj Roy
简介: Siddartha (Dhritiman Chatterjee) is forced to discontinue his medical studies due to unexpected and brutal death of his father. He has to now find a job in stead. In one job interview, he is asked to name the most significant world event in the last ten years. His reply is 'the plain human courage shown by the people of Vietnam', instead of the expected - man landing on moon. The interviewer asks is he is a communist. Needles to say that he does not get the job. He reaches a coffee shop where he is offered to work for the communist party. When he does not show any interest the party leader tells him about an opening for a medical representative. To escape from the heat and have a snooze, he goes in to a cinema. As a government propaganda newsreel is being shown before the feature, a bomb explodes in the cinema hall. In the stampede that follows, Siddartha, breaks his watch. He goes to a watchmaker but he cannot afford the repairs. Waiting to cross the road, he notices a sexy girl. He drifts back to his days as a medical student in a flashback. The professor is explaining anatomy of female breast. Many flashbacks and dreams occur to Siddartha through the film. On his way to hostel, he has an encounter with some hippies. Along with an ex-classmate, he goes out to see a porn film but to their disappointment, the film turns out to be not-so-pornographic. In such constant wandering in a Calcutta, disintegrated relationships with his sister and a Naxalite (militant communist) brother, his friendship with Keya is only thing that keeps him sane. Keya is a simple girl. They enjoy each other's company but they cannot make any commitment to each other due to the circumstances. After yet another attempt at a job interview, Siddartha leaves the big city to take a modest job of a salesman in a far off small town. He writes to Keya that he still cherishes their relationship. And that he has heard that bird call again but this time it is for real, and not his mind. After completing the letter, he comes out to the balcony of his modest room. The bird calls again. He also hears the sombre chants of a funeral procession. As he turns to the camera, the picture is frozen. This is the first film of the Calcutta Trilogy. The other two were and Seemabaddha (Company Limited, 1971) and Jana Aranya (The Middle Man, 1975). All the three films study the effect the big city of Calcutta has on the educated youth and the price it extracts from them. The seventies were a difficult period for India and West Bengal. The Corruption was rampant; the Naxalite movement had created havoc in Calcutta. In fact, they had turned parts of Calcutta into 'liberated zones'. By the time the Naxalite movement died down, in 1975, Mrs. Indira Gandhi (then, Prime Minister of India) suppressed the fundamental rights and declared "Emergency" for her own political survival. Her son, Sanjay Gandhi became a dictator of sorts without any official designation. The opposition leaders were thrown into prisons. About his social responsibilities as a filmmaker, in an interview with Cineaste magazine, Ray commented, "You can see my attitude in The Adversary where you have two brothers. The younger brother is a Naxalite. There is no doubt that the elder brother admires the younger brother for his bravery and convictions. The film is not ambiguous about that. As a filmmaker, however, I was more interested in the elder brother because he is the vacillating character. As a psychological entity, as a human being with doubts, he is a more interesting character to me. The younger brother has already identified himself with a cause. That makes him part of a total attitude and makes him unimportant. The Naxalite movement takes over. He, as a person, becomes insignificant." In a letter to Seton in 1970, Ray wrote that Pratidwandi was the most provocative film he had made till then. The film is said to have evoked extreme reactions. "People either loved the film or hated it", Dhritiman Chatterjee told Andrew Robinson, Ray's biographer.
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