主演:凡妮莎·肖 克里斯托弗·阿尔伯特 Richard Gunn 艾瑞克·史密斯 Li
导演:Jason Free
简介:由Jason Freeland编导的独立电影,在迷途的生命中,每个人都在寻找自己梦想的出口,而旅程中的大小事,最终也将成为过往里的云烟。故事围绕着十五岁女孩四月(Willa Holland饰)展开,与她所结识的一群各色各样的人事物。四处流浪的她,不停寻找一个安心的居所,一个她不需要依靠脱衣解带求生存的地方,在一次偶然中,四月来到洛杉矶遇见了一群与她同样迷惘、追寻着梦想的人,这群以莎莉(Vinessa Shaw饰)为中心的团体,但四月也发现在看似美好的外表下,有苦有甜有悲,当生活越发走向边缘,四月也理解到不论是好是坏,旅程中的大小事,最终都只是生命里过往一天。
主演:贾斯汀·比伯 罗布·迪尔德克 麦莉·赛勒斯 泰勒·斯威夫特
导演:Ashton Kutcher Jason Gold
简介:明星大整蛊是美国的整人真人秀。它的播出从2003年就开始了,由Ashton Kutcher和Jason Goldber制作播出。节目前八季里面,我们看到主持人Ashton Kutcher用各种手段整各位名人。整人的过程用隐藏摄像机拍下来。受到整蛊的名人包括Jessica Alba, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake,Allen Iverson,小威廉姆斯等影视界,音乐界以及体育界等诸位大牌。明星大整蛊在07年宣布停播。不过在2012年3月,MTV台宣布将重新启动Punk'd的拍摄,主持人将邀请不同的明星嘉宾。原先的主持人Ashton Kutcher退居幕后做监制。在播出的第一集里面,请来了当红加拿大歌星Justin bieber作为客串主持。
导演:Jason B. Bergh
简介:Behind-the-scenes with Jennifer Lopez as she independently produces a new album that explores her twenty year journey to self-love.
主演:乔什·杜哈明 杜勒·希尔 凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 詹姆斯·罗德 凯缇·萨克霍夫 威尔·萨索 吉米·辛普森 南希·特拉维斯
主演:Roberta Gemma 朱利叶斯·J·爱泼斯坦 Edwin Garcia
导演:Domiziano Cristopharo Jason Figgis Jason Impey Sunny King Sam Mason-Bell Tony Newton Lauand Omar Rob Ulitski Sophia Cacciola 朱利叶斯·J·爱泼斯坦 Dustin Ferguson Alessandro Giordani Chris Milewski Alessandro Redaelli
简介: Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.
主演:Morgan Glover 马丁·巴特斯·布拉德福德 萨曼莎·博利厄 特伦斯·罗斯摩尔 Rhonda Johnson Dents Sam Malone Casey Groves Lawrence Xavier Bierria
导演:Jason Affolder
简介: 9th Ward是美國紐奧良市極具傳奇色彩的街區,獨特的文化氛圍和親密的鄰里關係,孕育著一代代紐奧良文化的傳承者,有著音樂天賦的高中生Aurora便是其中一位。但她也和其他很多生活在以黑人為主的社區的孩子們一樣,承受著歷史和制度對黑人社區的不公所帶來的困擾甚至是威脅,而Katrina颶風更是讓9th Ward原本脆弱的社區生態雪上加霜。青梅竹馬的表哥曾和她一樣在學校名列前茅,但如今卻身負著惡性謀殺的重大嫌疑。面對媒體上滾動播放的與自己同齡的被害少女遺像、被害人父親含淚拋出的高額懸賞、為家用入不敷出爭吵的父母、對街頭氾濫槍支的憎惡、步入歧途卻珍視親情的表哥……即將高中畢業的Aurora將如何抉擇?
主演:Ian Costello Michelle Costello 克拉拉·科瓦西奇 Kera O'Bryon James Wright
导演:奥利弗·帕克 Jason Bognacki A.J. Briones Joshua Long Sergio Morcillo Adam O'Brien 路西安诺·欧纳提 Nicolás Onetti Pablo S. Pastor Matthew Richards
主演:杰西卡·格林 杰克·斯托蒙 伊莫金·沃特豪斯 阿南·德赛-巴罗基亚 安德鲁·霍华德 罗宾·马尔科姆 Charan Prabhakar Lindsey Stirling Jerome Brad Halgren 亚当·约翰逊 Danny Rice 菲利普·布罗迪 凯文·麦克纳利 戴夫·布雷斯纳安 伊丽莎白·伯克纳 William Rubio 柯基·法尔考 Ben Wray 米达宁·拉希米 Sonalii Castillo 托尔·科耐 瑞克·萨拉比亚 马克·布洛克维奇 James C. Morris 理查德·阿
导演:John Lyde Kynan Griffin Kurt Knight 马克·罗斯金 Jason Faller Clare Niederpruem
简介: CW宣布直接预订10集新剧《前哨 The Outpost》,预定夏季档首播,美国以外地方则在Syfy播出。《前哨》是CW首部夏季档一小时新剧,过去该网只曾在夏档播出半小时新剧。 由Jason Faller及Kynan Griffin主创的《前哨》讲述数年前Blackbloods一族住的村子遭雇佣兵摧毁及屠杀,而女主Talon(Jessica Green饰)侥幸存活后到达了文明世界边缘,立于此处的堡垒里有当年的凶手。在旅程途中她发现自己拥有神秘的超自然能力,她得学会控制它,好保护自己及打败那狂热的宗教独裁者。 其他演员包括Jake Stormoen﹑Imogen Waterhouse﹑Andrew Howard﹑Anand Desai-Barochia及Robyn Malcolm。
主演:Barry Steadman
导演:Jason Welch
简介:警探艾迪(罗伯特?德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是纽约的知名人物,他长期在媒体上出镜为公众带来案件实况。两名出狱不久的东欧男子埃米尔(卡瑞尔?罗登 Karel Roden 饰)和奥列格来到纽约,他们找到背叛了自己的同伙,将其杀死后把现场付之一炬,崇拜美国电影的奥列格更把整个过程拍了下来。艾迪在被焚毁的现场遇到纵火调查员乔迪(爱德华?伯恩斯 Edward Burns 饰),后者的干劲令艾迪瞩目,随即两人开始合作。埃米尔和乔迪都发现了目击证人达芙妮的存在,双方展开了寻找达芙妮的竞争,期间埃米尔和奥列格又杀一人,艾迪颇感被动。终于,艾迪和乔迪在达芙妮工作的店中正遇两名嫌凶,艾迪将埃米尔击伤,而这令埃米尔把下一个目标锁定为艾迪……
主演:艾莉森·托尔曼 Sophie Reid 乔贝兹·威廉姆斯 Luis Bordonada 拉里·杰克·唐森 Angelo Dylen Tanner Beard Monique Straw
导演:Jason Cortlund Julia Halperin
简介: 一个名叫西纳罗亚的英国女子,一路搭顺风车来到德克萨斯中部见梅乐,她同父异母的姐姐,他们的父亲是一名去世的乡村乐音乐家。没过多久的时间,西纳罗亚就进入了梅乐的生活。她的歌声唤醒了梅乐内心的思绪,抹去了萦绕在他们之间的血缘关系问题。紧接着,家庭争分的到来,开始扰乱梅乐稳定的生活-她的工作,即将来到的婚姻,以及她和母亲本来就僵硬的关系。当这个音乐家的后代把这个陌生人带到小镇的时候,不明的动机被写进了她的歌里,宣示着她多年来,内心积攒的怒光。
主演:乔什·杜哈明 杜勒·希尔 凯瑟琳·伊莎贝尔 詹姆斯·罗德 凯缇·萨克霍夫 威尔·萨索 吉米·辛普森 南希·特拉维斯
导演:Jason Axinn
主演:Silvia Altare Brian Carmody Ian Cauble
导演:Jason Wise
简介:The history, politics, pleasure, and BS of wine told through opening ten very different bottles.
主演:Tom Hogan Hannah Rose Edward Gist
导演:Jason Parker
简介: A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation is more destructive than they feared.
主演:SiamYu 盖奇·芒罗 MichaelFriend AidanGouveia Andy Reid
导演:Jason Lapeyre Robert Wilson
简介:Bang, bang, you're dead. No, really dead. A group of twelve year old kids play war in a forest but the audience views the action through their eyes. They fire real machine guns, hear mortars exploding around them, and dodge bloody shrapnel from grenades. I Declare War is a movie for young and adult audiences alike, featuring twelve to thirteen year old actors in the tradition of Stand By Me. With overtones of Lord of the Flies, I Declare War is a parable for not only events broadcast nightly on newscasts throughout the world, but a chilling depiction of the capacity for youth and man to take charge and to win at all costs.
导演:Jason Pollard Sam Pollard
简介:关于武当派创始成员老混蛋的权威纪录片。这部电影探讨了拉塞尔·泰隆·琼斯 (Russell Tyrone Jones) 如何创造了“老混蛋”(Ol' Dirty Bastard),这位嘻哈另一个自我超级英雄最终将他吞噬。
主演:Julia Lea WolovRyan PinkstonWill Matthews
导演:Jason GoldbergAshton Kutcher
简介: 明星大整蛊是美国的整人真人秀。它的播出从2003年就开始了,由Ashton Kutcher和Jason Goldber制作播出。节目前八季里面,我们看到主持人Ashton Kutcher用各种手段整各位名人。整人的过程用隐藏摄像机拍下来。受到整蛊的名人包括Jessica Alba, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake,Allen Iverson,小威廉姆斯等影视界,音乐界以及体育界等诸位大牌。明星大整蛊在07年宣布停播。不过在2012年3月,MTV台宣布将重新启动Punk'd的拍摄,主持人将邀请不同的明星嘉宾。原先的主持人Ashton Kutcher退居幕后做监制。在播出的第一集里面,请来了当红加拿大歌星Justin bieber作为客串主持。
主演:伊利亚·坎拉斯 恩佐·皮内达 Pearl Lagman Migs Campanilla Lara Fortuna Gio Gahol Marnie Lapus Iman Ampatuan Dolly Dulu Lars Magbanua Aaron Alsol Jennifer Cimagala Dominic Ken Orebiana Mica Dimaculangan Christy Mae Imperial
导演:Jason Paul Laxamana
简介: A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.
导演:Jason Chong
简介:Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenous Melanau tribe in Borneo. Burial poles mark burial still exist today as gravestones, marking the loss of other human lives t...
导演:Jason Hehir Dick Carruthers
简介: 01.I'm Your Man 02.Me and Mrs. Jones 03.Call Me Irresponsible 04.I've got the World On A String 05.Lost 06.Feeling Good 07.Home 08.Everything 09.Crazy Little Thing Called Love 10.Song For You 60 minutes of live performance, interviews and backstage footage Bonus Performances Stardust You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You
主演:Sue Ramirez Diego Loyzaga Yayo Aguila
导演:Jason Paul Laxamana
简介: 讲述了一个活泼迷人的女孩燕燕和一个神秘高傲的男孩布鲁之间的反差吸引的爱情故事。
主演:帕特里克·瑞纳 Tommy Savas Annie Monroe 杰姬·托恩 佩吉·肯尼迪
导演:Jason Schnell
简介:Bad Roomies is a dark comedy about two guys living together who| after losing their roommate| put out an ad to find a new one. After a series of disastrous interviews with potential roommates they settle on an apparently harmless but beautiful girl. All seems to be going well despite the simmering rivalry until one drunken night causes all three roommates to make a horrible mis...
主演:Jay Jablonski 席瑞娜·文森 约翰·卡普洛斯 约翰·伊诺斯三世 玛丽萨·佩特罗
导演:Jason Todd Ipson
简介:杰克(杰·雅布隆斯基 Jay Jablonski 饰)是一个鱼贩,八年前,他的女友伊莎贝拉(玛丽萨·佩特罗 Marisa Petroro 饰)离他而去,直到现在,他都还无法从当初的痛苦和对女友的爱恋中走出来,即使伊莎贝拉早已经结婚成家,并且成为了三个孩子的母亲。 杰克的现状让朋友们感到担心,为了帮助杰克走出阴影,他们努力的撮合着杰克的因缘。经过了朋友的介绍,杰克和名叫马瑞莎(席瑞娜·文森 Cerina Vincent 饰)的意大利女人相识了。悲观的杰克认为,像马瑞莎这样的意大利女人不可能看得上他,令他意外的是,他们之间的感情居然愈演愈烈。就在这样的关键时刻,伊莎贝拉的突然回归扰乱了杰克的心神,面对新欢旧爱,他不知道该如何选择。
主演:AliArslan IlkerArslan AnastasiaBaranova DaniBarker JohnBeck BeatBillson DavidBlanka JuanBravoJr. WesleyBraxton DonBridges KevinByrd 朱迪特·巴多斯 KenCampbell JoshChristensen JohnCianciolo JoshCollins MaceCoronel 露辛达·科尔登 娜塔丽·维多利亚 保罗·沃伦 巴德·沃森
导演:崔维斯·贝茨 ZacBlair RyanBosworth PeterCzikrai SteveDaniels BarisErdogan CarlosFaria 托德·E·弗里曼 RodrigoGasparini BrettGlassberg 尼古拉斯·亨弗里斯 SummerJohnson ClintKelly CodyKennedy JasonM.Koch AmaLea WolfgangMatzl ÁlvaroNúñez EricPennycoff PeterPodgursky MiaKateRussel
主演:Leslie Easterbrook Kane Hodder J.D. Hart Michele Grey
导演:Jason Stoddard
简介:Leslie Easterbrook plays the lead role of 'Mother Maggie', a disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Three daughters live in constant fear of being beaten and abused by their mentally disturbed mother. Escaping the wrath of their mother seems impossible and proves to be deadly. Based on a true story, The Afflicted takes you inside the lives of those who live in constant fear with no escape.
导演:Jason Dallas
简介:Last Rights is a supernatural drama that explores the struggle of those who have answered an ad and accepted a deal from a man named Concord. Concord negotiates to allow access to Nirvana, where all worldly troubles disappear. In exchange, those who accept the deal must give him all of their possessions and stay in a house for one week. In the house are four caretakers who test each participant to see if they qualify for Nirvana or if they end up in the graveyard behind the house. The series explores and questions faith, morality, tolerance, and common sense; these are the tests of the caretakers. At the end of each week, Concord returns to the house to evaluate the test results of the participants to decide the fate of each guest and of the caretakers. Set in small town America, at the end of a charming little street. This house has stood here long before anyone can remember, or anyone can forget. It has it's own personality and once inside you truly understand what that means. Whole floors will appear and vanish, walls will move, and artifacts will be uncovered, all so the house can show you your purpose for being there. Not even the caretakers can truly understand or control the will of the house. It is truly the key to all the answers that the caretakers and guests are looking for. In season one, the house, which we find out, is possessed with the spirit of Concord's mother and Concord are waging a war of power to control the house. Caught in the middle are the guests as well as the caretakers. "Mother" and Concord alike will use these people as pawns to gain the upper hand. All this, as the caretakers try and conduct their "business as usual". Not to mention a graveyard full of spirits trying to get out. Everyone battling to keep their Last Rights!
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