主演:林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 尹天照 Tin-chiu Wan 杨恭如 Kristy Yang 文颂娴 Annie Man 林文龙 Frankie Lam
导演:林正英 Ching-Ying Lam
简介: 毛小方(林正英 饰)是远近闻名的除魔道长,某日,女飞贼黑玫瑰(商天娥 饰)来到墓穴之中,窃取了慈禧口中的宝石,没想到使得慈禧就此苏醒,带领着她的僵尸兵团在小镇里作威作福。所幸毛小方即使赶到,才化解了这一番危机。 罡实(程东 饰)和毛小方曾是同门师兄弟,之后被逐出师门,如 今,罡实带着养女秀雷(文颂娴 饰)投奔毛小方,善良的毛小方收留了两人。毛小方本以为罡实早已经改邪归正,哪知道他此次的目的竟然是抢夺掌门令牌,更修炼了南洋邪术导致走火入魔。与此同时,科学研究员舒宁(黎淑贤 饰)和警察厅队长宋子隆(尹天照饰)也对毛小方穷追不舍。一时间,毛小方腹背受敌,举步维艰。
主演:Matthew Perry内森·科德里Bradley Whitford内森·科德里 Nathan Corddry
导演:Thomas Shlamme
简介:《STUDIO 60》正在面临严重的问题,短剧质量不断快速下滑,除了工作人员层出不穷的问题,现任执行制片人在一次直播时,对节目内容和电视界现状很不满意,现任执行制片人突然忍无可忍地冲入镜头,面对千百万电视机前的观众,大骂世风日下引起轩然大波,酿成一起严重的播出事故。 新任命的执行总裁乔丹无奈之下找到黄金搭档马特和丹尼,试图挽救这个节目。从此之后这几个志同道合的工作伙伴,开始共同面对如何摆平政治干预,如何与美国联邦通讯委员会周旋,如何挖掘演员的搞笑天分等琐碎的事务。在电视业这个分秒不得有误、竞争惨烈的行业他们渐渐有了自己的天地……
主演:Dan Ariely
导演:Yael Melamede
简介:(Dis)Honesty - The Truth About Lies' is a documentary feature film that explores how and why people lie. The film is anchored in behavioral experiments that measure our propensity to lie - sometimes even unknowingly. On a more personal level, from little white lies to devastating deceits, people share on camera the true stories of lies they've told. Experts examine the reasons behind our behavior and the implications of our dishonesty. Behavioral scientist Dan Ariely brings these elements together and guides us in discovering the complicated truths about lies.
主演:卡米拉·卢丁顿 斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特 派特里克·费斯克勒
导演:Dallas Richard Hallam Patrick Horvath
简介: 从事尸体清理工作的美丽女孩琼(卡米拉·卢丁顿 Camilla Luddington 饰)和青年警官丹·迈耶(斯科特·迈克尔·福斯特 Scott Michael Foster 饰)是一对同居中的情侣。近一段时间,恶性杀人案件越来越多,联邦调查局的分析师特拉斯·巴拉德(派特里克·费斯克勒 Patrick Fischler 饰)为此也介入调查,他怀疑近期的案件都和20年前甚嚣尘上的犹大杀人案有关。某天,巴拉德特工找上门来,他讲述了连琼自己都不知晓的身世之谜,更警告她可能成为犹大杀人案接下来的受害者。 内心乱作一团的琼送走巴拉德,当晚她便遭遇了离奇恐怖的事件。与此同时,脑中的影像与现实重合,可怕的梦魇正渐渐向她逼近……
主演:Ahmed Marei Ahmed Enan Ahmed Hegazi
导演:Chadi Abdel Salam
简介:Based on one of the major literary texts survived from the Middle Kingdom, the classical period of Egyptian literature, The Eloquent Peasant is a combination of a moralityfolk tale and a poem. The events are set between 2160 and 2025 BC. When the peasant Khun-anup and his donkey stumble upon the lands of the noble Rensi, the peasant’s goods are confiscated and he’s unjustly accused of theft. The peasant petitions Rensi who is so taken by the peasant’s eloquence that he report his astonishing discovery to the king. The king realises the peasant has been wronged but delays judgement so as to he can hear more of his eloquence. The peasant makes a total of nine petitions until finally, his goods are returned.
主演:ZsoltAnger AndrásMártonBaló PéterBlaskó 查巴·策勒 Helga Mandel Ilona Kassai Sebastian Selymes 雷卡·滕吉 伊尔迪科·托特 祖莎·亚罗 佐尔特·安格尔 Péter Blaskó Tamás Fodor 埃娃·凯赖凯什 Judit Rezes 山大·特赫斯 Andrea Spolarics 约瑟夫·托特 Katalin Várnagy Zsolt Zágoni Ferenc Pusztai
导演:Attila Galambos
简介: 卡洛琳(海伦·巴克森代尔 Helen Baxendale 饰)是一名在北爱尔兰驻扎的英国皇家宪兵队中士,她加入军队已经有十二年之久了。一天,卡洛琳忽然被别人举报是一名同性恋者,军方因此拘捕了卡洛琳,对她进行了长达四天的审讯,在当时,同性恋甚至被视作是一种犯罪,如果卡洛琳被坐实了这一身份,她有可能因此被送上军事法庭。 在审问期间,卡洛琳的思绪渐渐飘回了十二年前,曾经的自己是一个对军旅生涯充满了激情的女孩,曾经亦接手过调查同性恋者的任务,也正是在此过程中,卡洛琳对这一群体有了逐渐的了解,她的性取向也在潜移默化之中被改变着。
主演:刘美含 吴昊泽 冯静恩 禾小斗
导演:明焱 Flaming
简介: 职场菜鸟郝聪明因一场意外,撞破了拍卖会上的天价陨石钻戒,戒指中蕴藏的神秘力量诱发了池氏集团总裁池墨的另一重人格宋晓晓。此后,如韩剧男神般的宋晓晓与脑洞少女郝聪明谈起了恋爱,但因双重人格的相互转换,不知情的郝聪明与本是自己死敌的另一重人格霸道总裁池墨纠葛在一起。宋晓晓得知 池墨偷偷爱上郝聪明,对其展开了疯狂的报复,双重人格的秘密随时可能大白于天下。而此时,三年前导致池父死亡的那场离奇车祸,真相正一步步揭开,郝聪明与池墨的双重人格都陷入前所未有的危机中。
主演:Bettany Hughes
导演:Nick Gillam-Smith
简介: Professor Bettany Hughes investigates the story of Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, theatre and excess, travelling to Georgia, Jordan, Greece and Britain to discover his origins and his presence in the modern world, and explore how 'losing oneself' plays a vital role in the development of civilisation. In this fascinating journey, Bettany begins in Georgia where she discovers evidence of the world's oldest wine production, and the role it may have played in building communities. In Athens she reveals Bacchus's pivotal role in a society where his ecstatic worship was embraced by all classes, and most importantly women. On Cyprus she uncovers startling parallels between Bacchus and Christ. Finally, Bettany follows the god's modern embrace in Nietzsche's philosophy, experimental theatre and the hedonistic hippie movement to conclude that, while this god of ecstasy is worthy of contemporary reconsideration, it is vital to heed the warning of the ancients - "MEDEN AGAN" - nothing in excess.
主演:林正英 Ching-Ying Lam 苑琼丹 King-Tan Yuen 徐少强 Norman Chu 文颂娴 Annie Man 李道洪 Tao-Hung Li 王书麒 Jimmy Wong Shu-Kei 容锦昌 Kam-Cheong Yung 冼灏英 Thomas Sin Ho-Ying 黄树棠 Shu Tong Wong
导演:林正英 Ching-Ying Lam
简介:毛小方(林正英 饰)和七姊妹堂堂主钟君(苑琼丹 饰)之间的矛盾由来已久人尽皆知,然而,钟君的弟弟钟邦(王书麒 饰)实则五世奇人,毛小方得知此时后十分想要收他为徒。一次偶然中,毛小方结识了名为杨飞云(徐少强 饰)的男子,两人相见恨晚,相谈甚欢,很快便成为了好友。 令毛小方没有想到的是,杨飞云人面兽心,他设计陷害毛小方,使得毛小方与钟邦反目成仇。就在毛小方最失落的时候,是钟君一直陪伴在他身旁,两人之间的矛盾和误会烟消云散。杨飞云和僵尸王(李道洪 饰)同流合污,企图祸害人间,毛小方决心阻止此事,一场大战即将拉开序幕。
主演:露西·沃斯利 Beatrice Behlen Shaun Cole Meredith Etherington-Smith John Goldsmith Karen Hearn Eleri Lynn Deirdre Murphy Austin Mutti-Mewse Susan North Mark Wallis
导演:Nick Gillam-Smith
简介: 现如今,很少有哪个人的衣橱所受到的关注可与英国王室相提并论。几乎每日都有新闻评论王室成员衣着。大众对王室衣橱的窥探由来已久,在本片中,主持人将大开皇家衣橱之门,尽览古今国王与王后的华服美裳。王室服饰的魅力不仅在于其剪裁和色彩它们超越了纯粹的服饰 成为一种象征或表达。
主演:Peter Voß Friedrich Kayßler Alice Brandt Bruno Güttner Fritz Odemar Fritz Rasp
导演:Carl Lamac
简介: A most pleasingly atmospheric rendition of the tale, noirishly photographed and moodily set, this is the version which probably would have delighted Conan Doyle the most. There is one important plot change which enables the beautiful Alice Brandt to enjoy both a larger role and a more intriguing part in the proceedings. This change also builds up the parts of Dr Mortimer and Lord Charles, yet at the same time provides a nice introduction to the is-he-sinister or is-he-a-good-guy Barrymore, deftly played here by Fritz Rasp. Despite the sting of its well-developed story, the spellbindingly atmospheric direction and the engrossing performances delivered by the entire cast, many fans may find this version somewhat disappointing. For at least three reasons: As in the novel, the part played in the narrative by Sherlock Holmes, though vital, is minimal. And in this version, not only has no attempt been made to enlarge his role, if anything both writer and director do their best to minimize it. Holmes does not even make his entrance for half-an-hour, and when he does finally appear, he has his back to the camera. It is Fritz Odemar, as Dr Watson, who receives the more favorable camera angles. And there is a purpose in this. It is Watson, not Holmes, who figures as the main protagonist of The Hound of the Baskervilles. For the bulk of the narrative, Holmes disappears. It is Watson and Lord Henry (Peter Voss) who take up the running. The movie is almost over, before Holmes closes in on the villain. And even so, this is not the obsessed, self-important Holmes we are accustomed to see taking charge. Another problem is that the title hound itself does not figure a great deal in the action, a downgrading which will undoubtedly rate as another major disappointment for fans. And finally, it could be argued that the script gives too much attention to Conan Doyle's red herring, the escaped convict, and not enough to the real villain. This said, it must surely be admitted by all, that Odemar's interpretation of Watson—intelligent, charming, level-headed, courageous and resourceful—is much closer to Conan Doyle's conception than either the bungling, inveterately stupid Nigel Bruce or the self-effacing Ian Fleming. One other player deserves special mention: Erich Ponto (Dr Winkel in The Third Man) who seems exactly right for Stapleton. A difficult part, superbly played. - JohnHowardReid, imdb
主演:周润发 Yun-Fat Chow 陈松勇 Sung Young Chen 胡耀宗 于莉 Li Yu 黄光亮 Kwong Leung Wong 徐锦江 Elvis Tsui 尹扬明 Yeung Ming Wan 张耀扬 Roy Cheung
导演:林岭东 Ringo Lam
简介: 《监狱风云》的续作,资深囚犯阿正(周润发 饰)因为与前任科长(张耀扬 饰)的过节而延长刑期,服刑期间母亲病逝,儿子良仔被送到孤儿院甚至对父亲产生怨恨。阿正一心想申请外出看望儿子却遭到狱警头子“鬼见愁”(徐锦江 饰)的诸多刁难。“鬼见愁”因收买狱中大陆帮首领大圈龙(陈松勇 饰)不果 ,把其视为眼中钉,并且从中唆使挑拨使得大陆帮与阿正之间产生隔阂。一次陷害使得大圈龙不得不出逃,被误会陷害大圈龙的阿正也被迫逃走,逃跑途中两人相遇并产生了一段“难兄难弟”般的友情。最后阿正被再次抓回狱中,在暴乱中阿正终于得到机会和”鬼见愁“短兵相接。
主演:Michelle Jenner Adam Jeziersky Salomé Jiménez Fele Martínez Miguel Ángel Muñoz
导演:Miguel Ángel Lamata
简介: 大学教授胡安霍Juanjo(费莱·马丁内斯饰)被女友塞莱丝特Celeste(莎洛美·希门尼斯饰)甩了,而她又没有向他做出任何解释。拘谨斯文的胡安霍非常沮丧,他心中丢不下塞莱丝特,一心要与她重修旧好。他的两个学生决定帮他——尼科Nico(亚当·耶杰尔斯基饰)想方设法找这对前情人和好的机会,卡门Carmen(阿玛娅·萨拉曼卡饰)则“教”老师脸皮放厚练胆量。 不久,他们发现,塞莱丝特是受到一个小有名气的女作家哈丝Jazz(诺尔玛·鲁伊斯饰)的操纵,落入到一个奸诈诡计的圈套中,但她自己却根本不知,而这个秘密只有露西娅Lucía(皮拉尔·鲁维奥饰)知道。然而,让胡安霍没有想到的是,他为了女友回心转意所做努力的这个看上去好象并不复杂的计划,最终却变成了一场反常的、不道德的游戏......
主演:陆剑明 谭咏麟 林青霞 王家卫 张国柱
导演:林岭东 (Ringo Lam)
简介: 有感于眼下一代年轻人不求上进、没有责任感,有资本家与数位专家决定展开一个实验,看能否用爱情激发年青人的进取之心。牛仔裤店员吴晓辉(谭咏麟 饰)堪称是无追求青年的代表,他整日和一班朋友勾女,毫无上进心,于是成为了实验对象,而担任“爱情机器”给予吴晓辉爱情体验的则是大学助教JoJo(林青霞 饰)。经由一次状况百出、经过安排的“英雄救美”事件,吴晓辉进入了JoJo的爱情剧本,而后者身处大学的职业亦激发了吴晓辉的自卑感,从而埋头苦修日语,期盼能够与JoJo般配。入戏太深的吴晓辉在爱情中无法自拔,当他知晓事情真
别名:Once Before
主演:Marco Gumabao Tony Labrusca Lovi Poe Candy Pangilinan Andrea Del Rosario
导演:Joel Lamangan
主演:Sofia Lesaffre Christopher Zeerak Atiya Rashid Arsha Iqbal 帕斯卡·埃尔贝 贾韦德·坎 奥黛丽·玛丽奥 莎乐美·德瓦斯
导演:Salima Glamine Dimitri Linder
简介: 阿梅尔·贝尔哈吉和巴基斯坦小伙子马什是一对年轻小情侣,但是巴基斯坦一直有不与外族通婚的传统,于是二人的结合遇到了巨大的挑战。在马什未向父母挑明关系之前,其父母为马什包办了婚姻。 努尔是马什父亲亲族的成员,并且和阿梅尔也是好朋友。阿梅尔得知努尔在婚前已与别人发生关系的秘密 并帮她做隐瞒。努尔本打算成全阿梅尔和马什这对小情侣,嫁给别人,奈何父母逼迫其嫁给马什。无奈绝望的阿梅尔将努尔的秘密说了出来,努尔万分羞愧选择自杀。万幸努尔被抢救过来,但是所有人把这一切的不幸归咎于阿梅尔。阿梅尔和自己的父亲大吵一架,怒斥生活的残酷,父权主义的霸道。然而,最终马什决定勇敢起来,保护自己孤立无援的爱人,二人在街头相拥,拥抱着向往的生活。
主演:艾伦·迈克库洛奇 亚历山德拉·蕾里·科利 谢丽·布坎南
导演:Marino Girolami
简介: 在东印度群岛的一次探险中,不仅遇到了他们正在寻找的食人族,还遇到了一个邪恶的科学家和他的僵尸军队...
主演:格洛瑞·安恩 Chris Milne Joni Flynn Jody Hanson Marilyn Rodgers Gordon Charles John Michael Howson David Bradshaw Christine Calcutt Angela Menzies-Wills Sarah Lee Charles Gilroy John D. Lamond
导演:John D. Lamond
简介: Young Felicity lives in a monastic school. The only way to live out her sexual fantasies is together with her girlfriend Jenny. But then she receives an invitation to her sister in Hong-Kong and can't wait to finally do the real thing.
主演:Melendy Britt 乔治·第桑佐 Tristan Erwin Linda Gary 艾伦·欧朋海默 Diane Pershing 埃里卡·谢默 娄·谢默
导演:埃德·弗赖德曼 Mark Glamack 卢·卡希瓦斯 Marsh Lamore 比尔?里德 汤姆·塔布瑙奇斯 Gwen Wetzler
主演:Justine Powell 亚当·利斯 Jake Canuso Marco Gambino Heather Bleasdale
导演:Tony Maylam
简介:表面看来,史蒂芬妮(贾斯婷·鲍威尔 Justine Powell 饰)是一个性感美艳的应召女郎,游走在灯红酒绿的花花世界之中游刃有余,实际上,她有着另一重秘密身份——意大利黑手党的卧底。实际上,史蒂芬妮对自己这种充满了危险的双面生活早已经厌倦不堪,于是,她决定金盆洗手,带着年幼的小女儿远走高飞。 可是,过去的阴霾却并不愿意放过史蒂芬妮,黑手党再度找到了她的踪迹,希望她能够帮助他们完成一个危险而又重要的任务。黑手党知道史蒂芬妮不会轻易就范,于是挟持了她的女儿作为筹码,但是他们不会知道,为了保护自己的女儿,一个母亲会做出怎样的事情。
主演:Scott Croushore Rodney Grier Kennedy Waite Portia Realer Walter Anaruk David Waite Holly Westwood Carmine DePaulo Matthew J. Plumb Macayla Hyde
导演:Terrell Lamont
简介: 艺术教师欠下了巨额的债务,而他的债主是一名无情的黑帮老大。黑帮的压迫与逼债使教师身陷绝望,无处可躲。在迫不得已之际,教师准备绑架一名棒球运动员的女儿,以此胁迫对方家长,希望可以还清债务。令他没有想到的是,绑架事件意外重重,每一件事都在深深地拷问着他的心灵。事实上,作为一个本性善良的人当他谋划绑架女孩时,就预示着他的计划将会以失败告终。
导演:Peter Lamberti
简介: The mysterious jungles of Thailand are home to some of the rarest wild cats on earth - the Clouded Leopard, The Asian Leopard, The Indian Fishing Cat and the Indo Chinese Tiger. In one of the last truly wild corners of the world this extraordinary collection of secretive predators defend their last remaining stronghold. As their territories intertwine and continuously shift, these cats must cheat death on a daily basis if they are to survive and thrive out in these tangled lands.
主演:Bud Abbott Lou Costello Boris Karloff
导演:Charles Lamont
简介: 查尔斯.拉蒙特执导的一部恐怖喜剧,由高脚七、矮冬瓜和鲍里斯.卡洛夫合演。剧情描述在维多利亚时代的伦敦,两名新手警察碰上了一个化身博士,展开了连串斗法。本片虽无特别精彩的笑料,但英国着名恐怖片明星鲍里斯.卡洛夫的演出及特技化装均有可观之处。当年在英国公映时,曾被电检列为X级,但后来却可以在儿童电视节目中放映。
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