主演:乔什·布洛林 马里奥·范·皮布尔斯 辛恩达·威廉斯
导演:马里奥 范 皮布尔斯 (Mario Van Peebles) 梅尔文 范 皮布尔斯 (Melvin Van Peebles)
简介:美国:我们的故事 01 反抗者 美国:我们的故事 02 革命 美国:我们的故事 03 西进 美国:我们的故事 04 分裂 美国:我们的故事 05 内战 美国:我们的故事 06 腹地...
主演:Stephen Young Sharon Masters
导演:Mario Azzopardi
简介: horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world
主演:Gredivel Vasquez Mário Filipe Neves Sagar Kadadevarmath Abdulla
导演:凯文·麦克唐纳 Mário
简介: YouTube将打造[浮生一日]续集影片[浮生一日2020](Life In A Day 2020,暂译)。凯文·麦克唐纳执导,雷德利·斯科特、Kai Hsuing担任执行制片人。YouTube号召人们拍下7月25日的生活,并在8月2日前上传到相应的征集网站上。在征集结束后,30人组成的团队将对视频进行挑选与翻译。该片已直接入选2021年#圣丹斯电影节#。
主演:Anna Berg 卡尔海因茨·伯姆 Jessica Franz 弗洛伦廷·格罗尔 罗密·施耐德
导演:Mario Vinci
简介:预告片 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQyNDE3MDA4.html
主演:Geoffrey Bateman
导演:Manuel Catteau Marion Claus
简介: 当英国军队看起来要击败墨索里尼的意大利军队时,希特勒派出了增援部队;由隆美尔将军领导的非洲军团。在英国指挥官蒙哥马利制定出击溃对手的计划之前,"沙漠之狐 "一直处于胜利状态。美国人在北非登陆后,轴心国军队别无选择,只能投降,结束了沙漠战争。
主演:Zoé Héran Kinsey Kunkel Jade Henot Lynn Stewart-Taylor Lara Steward Céline Jorrion Aude-Laurence Clermont Biver Elisa Carà Isabel Juréhn
导演:Sophie Galibert Paige Gratland Marion Jhöaner Sam McWilliams Ronit Meranda Lior Soroka Tom-Lee Ziegelman Nathalie Álvarez Mesén Elin Övergaard
简介: 《她嘴唇的触感 UPON HER LIPS PURE FEELS》之上系列第二部 ,8个短小精悍耐人寻味的女女小故事,令你怦然心动~
主演:Zoé Héran Kinsey Kunkel Jade Henot Lynn Stewart-Taylor Lara Steward Céline Jorrion Aude-Laurence Clermont Biver Elisa Carà Isabel Juréhn
导演:Sophie Galibert Paige Gratland Marion Jh?aner Sam McWilliams Ronit Meranda Lior Soroka Tom-Lee Ziegelman Nathalie álvarez Mesén Elin ?vergaard
简介:《她嘴唇的触感 UPON HER LIPS PURE FEELS》之上系列第二部 ,8个短小精悍耐人寻味的女女小故事,令你怦然心动~
简介: A surprise reunion in southern France reignites passions and jealousies between two women who were formerly polyamorous lovers.
主演:亚当·布斯多柯斯 维基·帕帕多波罗 法提赫·阿尔 Toni Dimitriou
导演:Marios Piperides
主演:Geoffrey Bateman
导演:Manuel Catteau Marion Claus
简介: 当英国军队看起来要击败墨索里尼的意大利军队时,希特勒派出了增援部队;由隆美尔将军领导的非洲军团。在英国指挥官蒙哥马利制定出击溃对手的计划之前,"沙漠之狐 "一直处于胜利状态。美国人在北非登陆后,轴心国军队别无选择,只能投降,结束了沙漠战争。
主演:Rosemary Dexter Alida Valli Sybil Danning
导演:Mario Caiano
简介:A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of her recently murdered psychologist (and lover), so for some reason she goes to a resort where the psychologist liked to hang out and becomes involved with a gangster (Adolf Celli) and the strange female resort owner (Alida Valli). Soon more murders occur involving the other guests at the resort.
主演:JohnCorbett JessicaSteen BrittanyDaniel
简介:故事发生在美国新奥尔良市,一年一度的狂欢节正在如火如荼的进行之中。就在节日热烈的气氛被炒到顶峰之时,德沃公园突然发生了塌陷事故,市长助理艾莉森(杰西卡·斯汀 Jessica Steen 饰)很快就赶到了现场。可怕的事情并没有就此结束,入夜,塌陷事故接连发生,整个城市岌岌可危。 万分危急之中,艾莉森只得向自己的男友马特(约翰·考伯特 John Corbett 饰)发出求助信号,马特是一名地质学家,因为曾经的一场矿坑塌陷事故而患上了创伤症,从此再也不问世事。马特经过专业的调查震惊的发现,这座城市即将整个陷入地下,为了将伤亡人数控制到最小,政府必须立刻疏散正在狂欢的人群。
主演:John Corbett Jessica Steen Brittany Daniel
导演:Mario Azzopardi
简介: 故事发生在美国新奥尔良市,一年一度的狂欢节正在如火如荼的进行之中。就在节日热烈的气氛被炒到顶峰之时,德沃公园突然发生了塌陷事故,市长助理艾莉森(杰西卡·斯汀 Jessica Steen 饰)很快就赶到了现场。可怕的事情并没有就此结束,入夜,塌陷事故接连发生,整个城市岌岌可危。 万分危急之中,艾莉森只得向自己的男友马特(约翰·考伯特 John Corbett 饰)发出求助信号,马特是一名地质学家,因为曾经的一场矿坑塌陷事故而患上了创伤症,从此再也不问世事。马特经过专业的调查震惊的发现,这座城市即将整个陷入地下,为了将伤亡人数控制到最小,政府必须立刻疏散正在狂欢的人群。
主演:Eric Roberts Emilia Torello 何塞·埃雷拉 Michelle Elizabeth O'Shea
导演:Mario N. Bonassin
简介: 在蜿蜒流长的亚马逊河流域的雨林深处,传说和秘密让雨林之外的人们振奋不已。在哥伦比亚的一次旅行中,一群大学生前往山区寻找洞穴绘画。没有想到恶梦却就此展开!未过多久,接连有人死亡。人们终于开始意识到此地的危险性他们的前方出现可以的滑行痕迹。一只一度被认为已经灭绝的50英尺长的巨蟒却潜伏在灌木丛中,渴望鲜血。它的鳞片比盔甲还要坚硬,视力范围是一般蛇的9倍,最骇人听闻的是有如无底洞的胃。这群大学生开始只能拼命的逃跑,但是无奈手无寸铁。根本没有能力抵抗。不过最终他们还是发现了蟒蛇的弱点,大家合力设计了一个陷阱,消灭了蟒蛇。
主演:Cassandra Delaney Peter Ford David Sandford Garry Who
导演:Mario Andreacchio
简介: A young woman running a wildlife sanctuary in the Australian outback is in for trouble when she is confronted by three kangaroo hunters. Bored with killing kangaroos, they decide to kill the animals in the sanctuary, and when they see how attractive the owner is, they decide to have a little "fun" with her, too. Turns out that they may get a bit more "fun" than they bargained for.
主演:乔什·布洛林 马里奥·范·皮布尔斯 辛恩达·威廉斯
导演:马里奥 范 皮布尔斯 (Mario Van Peebles) 梅尔文 范 皮布尔斯 (Melvin Van Peebles)
主演:乔什·布洛林 马里奥·范·皮布尔斯 辛恩达·威廉斯
导演:马里奥 范 皮布尔斯 (Mario Van Peebles) 梅尔文 范 皮布尔斯 (Melvin Van Peebles)
主演:约翰·考伯特 彼得·斯戴宾斯 尤金·克拉克 马特伯尔曼 布兰特妮·丹尼尔 杰西卡·斯汀 德尔文·乔丹 Roger·McKeen Kyra·Azzopardi
简介:新奥尔良是美国圣诞节最狂欢的城市!一年一度的狂欢节使这个城市又疯狂起来了,但今年的狂欢节却更加的惊心动魄…… 德沃公园突然发生恐怖的地陷灾难,一名工人不幸遇难!身为市长助理的艾丽森马上前往现场察看...
导演:Mario O'Hara
简介:Mario O’Hara’s “Demons” (Pangarap ng Puso, 2000) is about a pair of young lovers, Nena (Matet de Leon) and Jose (Alex Alano), doing their best to live and love in an increasingly hostile world. Nena (a lovely child grown into lovely young woman, giving a surprisingly lovely performance) is from a rich family in the Negros provinces that owns a series of fishponds; Jose is from one of many poor families commissioned to clean and operate those fishponds. The film traces their relationship as it develops through the years, from childhood into adulthood, from prosperity into deep recession, from a time of peace into a time of violent political turmoil. Nena and Jose’s reactions to that turmoil is complex–steeped all their lives in Negros mythology, they gradually equate present-day rebels and corrupt army officers with the demons and monsters of their youth. They reply in a number of ways, each according to his or her nature: through political protest, civil activism, armed rebellion, even the composition and recitation of some (very beautiful) Filipino poetry.
主演:亚当·布斯多柯斯 法提赫·阿尔 Vicky Papadopoulou Özgür Karadeniz
导演:Marios Piperides
简介: Yiannis doesn’t have much going for him, save for his adorable dog, Jimi, and his fast-approaching date to get out of Cyprus for good. But when Jimi wanders across the U.N. buffer zone and into the section of the island Turkey seized more than forty years ago, an unregulated state unrecognized by the rest of the world, Yiannis learns, bringing a dog back over the border is not as easy as walking straight home. He enlists a mismatched band of accomplices from every side of the Cyprus dispute to find a way to get Jimi back, while never leaving the land he calls home. Writer and director Marios Piperides has been producing films in Cyprus for more than a decade, and his inside knowledge pays dividends in this narrative feature debut—a whip-smart comedy on legality, disputed nationality, and the frameworks that are erected to maintain a fragile peace. He demonstrates his compassion for locals on both sides of the divide, as he tenderly captures their struggle to find hope and make a living in a divided land. Such serious themes pair perfectly with Piperides’s sense of humor: As Yiannis’s efforts dip farther into absurdity, they offer a send-up of the forces that prolong a conflict that has been poorly understood and largely forgotten by the outside world.
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