主演:Gippy Grewal Gurpreet Guggi
导演:Rohit Jugraj
简介: Jatt James Bond is the story of a School Bus Driver – Shinda (Gippy Grewal) who is in love with Lali (Zareen Khan). Shinda is a poor orphan who just has a bunch of friends who are his life. They are played by Gurpreet Ghuggi and Yashpal Sharma. All 3 are having their different set of problems and are finding ways to tackle them. In order to solve their problems collectively, they decide to rob a bank with a hop that they would find the money, which would solve their problems. And the Thrill begins once the bank is robbed.
主演:托尼·海尔 克里斯汀·沙尔 塞斯·凯尔 玛尔塔·蒂莫菲娃 玛米亚·宝佛 瑞恩·赫斯特 吉亚·桑德赫 莎拉·乔德利 本·安德鲁斯科-道恩 李利强 卢克·勒斯勒尔 Dean Hinchey 徐亦涵 Emily Delahunty John Gillich Tysae Grewal Ben Cockell Emmy DeOliveira
简介: 该剧由Tony Hale(曾为《玩具总动员4》叉叉配音)和Kristen Schaal(曾为《怪诞小镇》梅宝配音)主演,根据同名畅销系列小说改编。Tony扮演的本尼迪克特先生召集了四位具有独特才能的孤儿,让他们潜入神秘的L.I.V.E.研究所,搞清楚被称为“紧急状态”的全球危机的真相,拯救世人。
主演:Sebastian Billingsley-Rodriguez Diana Tsoy Kaiyus Tiwana Grewal Kesar Bharaj
简介: Follows JJ (speaking directly to audiences for the first time!.) and his best friends as they experience and celebrate life's special milestones. From the excitement of going to a friend's house for the first time, or learning how to take care of a pet, to the scaries of visiting the dentist for the first time, everyone can relate to the BIG MOMENTS in each episode.
主演:Gippy Grewal Tanu Grewal Parminder Gill
导演:Gippy Grewal
主演:Gurpreet Ghuggi Mahie Gill Gippy Grewal
导演:Smeep Kang
简介: 杰斯(Gippy Grewal饰)是个机灵风趣的大学毕业生,和当律师的父亲、哥哥和嫂子住在一起。一次,他在朋友的婚礼上对美丽的姑娘马西(Mahie Gill饰)一见钟情。马西是个孤儿,并且希望嫁给一个同样没有家人的男子。杰斯无意中得知了这一点,为了追求马西,他装作孤儿向马西示爱。在杰斯的攻势下,两人很快坠入爱河。确立恋爱关系后,马西带杰斯去见自己的表哥,护妹心切的哥哥要求杰斯立刻和马西结婚,否则就拆散两人。无奈之下,杰斯当天就瞒着家人和马西登记结婚了。 婚后第一天,杰斯让马西为两人找个住处,马西机缘巧合的租下了杰斯家的一个房间。形势告急,杰斯只得让好友哈尼(Gurpreet Ghuggi饰)在家人面前扮演马西的丈夫,在马西面前扮演房东的儿子,自己表面装作不认识马西,实则偷偷和她同住一房。与此同时,哈尼在女友逼婚而游说父亲未果之下,背着当警察的父亲偷偷和女友普利特(Khusbhoo Grewal饰)结婚了。为了应付女方父母,哈尼和杰斯联手演戏,让普利特父母和杰斯父亲误把对方当做亲家。然而,事情总有穿帮的一天,两对恋人、四个家庭之间一场高潮迭起的闹剧就此上演……
主演:伯努瓦·波尔沃德 皮托巴什 亚历山德拉·拉米 安妮·吉鲁亚德 Jean-Philippe Lejeune Sébastien Waroquier 雷诺·拉顿 Olivier Bony Fran?ois Maniquet Rahul Mohinder Simon André 弗朗切斯科·莫尔米诺 Gurwinder Grewal Bipin K.C. Dilip Sisodia Munawar Ansar 达米安·马夏尔 Julien Rennaux André-Pierre Rego Pitobash T
导演:Héctor Cabello Reyes
简介:It recounts the unusual story of a Frenchman and an Indian man brought together by a cow that has fallen from the sky. Ajith turns up in France under mysterious circumstances.
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